Revizto materials not showing
Revizto materials not showing

For “Shadows” I like to turn on “Show Ambient Shadows”, this creates a soft shadow effect and this time did turn on “Cast Shadows”.Changed the “Silhouettes” to “Wide Lines”, it helps take some of the lines and fatten them up instead of having all the lines have the same lineweight.Set “Style” to “Realistic”, this helps get the rendering materials to show.

revizto materials not showing

For the plan view that I did above I changed these settings: Quite a few people do not realize how much control you have in the dialog box, plus you can use the Apply button to preview your changes to see how you are doing. Once that is done, down on the Viewbar I’m picking on the Visual Style button and using the “Graphic Display Options” tool for the next settings.

revizto materials not showing

You might have to use the arrows at the top right of the “View Cube” to get the plan view rotated correctly. Then with the “View Cube” I’m picking on “Top” to get the top down view. So how am I getting this type of look in Revit? First thing, for plan views I’m actually using the “Duplicate” tool using the default 3D view in Revit as my starting point. What we are looking for is additional color and shadows to help enhance the image before exporting it out or maybe even just throwing it on a sheet in Revit and printing it.

revizto materials not showing

Below is what most people typically think of when getting a color image out from Revit. Now I’m not saying that what I’m going to show you is a fix all for everything but at least you can get a better color base image from Revit then you maybe thought possible. Sometimes old habits are hard to kill because everyone thinks that you have to immediately go to a photo editing software to do this. In this Click Saver I want to talk about how to get better images from Revit for marketing or proposals.

Revizto materials not showing